Whiny Wednesday: Testing out Baby Carriers
I can’t believe how close it’s getting to baby, and with less than two months away now, I’m continuing to check off my checklist of things to do before she gets here (yes, I’m a Virgo and like checklists. In a major way.). The latest is making sure we have all of our “baby gear” and that includes a baby carrier. The first time around with little C., I was horrible about wearing one, I must admit. Oh, I def tried it from the get-go (I tried several, in fact), but it just never stuck with me. Now my husband D.? He loved it! He carried little C. everywhere in one.
That’s why this time I’m making it one of my major baby goals to familiarize myself with a carrier. This one from Baby Bjorn, in fact. I’m already trying it on for fit, making sure I know the ins and outs of all the straps and snaps, so I’m way more prepared this time. Part of my problem last time was not knowing what I doing (blush). It’s silly to say, but I actually really loved wearing this Original Carrier around the house the other day. It felt very natural (and I can’t believe the baby will be tiny enough to fit in that thing!). It’s important for it to be easy to put on and off alone, and I think I’m going to be able to do just that (fingers crossed). I must admit I can’t help but love it’s black, too, so that it will match both of our outfits all the time. 😉
But what I’m really aiming for is a major closeness with baby, and these carriers are supreme for that. You just can’t beat it. I also think it will be great for February and the coldness for when she’s born (although I don’t plan on taking her many places), and it will def free up my hands for when I’m tending to the other lil’ guy in the house (major difference from when it was just me and him, eh?).
The Baby Bjorn has all the support baby needs for her head, spine, etc. and at around $80, it’s pretty affordable. Just keep in mind, you’ll have to move up to another once your baby reaches 25 lbs. with this one.
P.S. We were also sent this perfect lil’ (“Safe Step”) stool for little C. (thank you, Baby Bjorn for not leaving him out!). It really is his new fav stool, and I’m glad because it’s so safe. It’s non-slip (has rubber on mat on top and rubber strip on bottom), so I feel totally safe having him use it in the bathroom unaided. And I wish I could say that’s all he uses it for (don’t kid yourself, it’s been used to build forts with as well…sigh…).