Whiny Wednesday: Sweet Suit
Cutest swimsuit I ever. did. see.
My goodness I think this has to win my “favorite swimsuit award” and it will go down in history as being one of little L’s favorites as well. Florence Eiseman makes THE best of the best. Looking back at these beach photos makes me miss the beach terribly. But, it has been nice relaxing in our own pool, so little L. has been able to get even more use out of this cutie of a swimsuit!
When I first took it out of the box, I could tell immediately how well made it is. The fabric is thicker than most swimsuits, therefore, it’s much more durable. And because of that, it seems she’s much more comfortable!
But comfort aside, who can really get past the pink bow on the back detail, and those embroidered flowers at the waist?? Now that swimsuit season is about over, all I want to do is scoop up alllll the FE embroidered dresses!
For now, we’re enjoying the last week of swim season in the world’s cutest swimsuit. And 4-year-old. Wink.
Ciao xoxo