Whitney Eve: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week F/W 2012
By Tiffany Piñero, Fashion Week Correspondent
This might have been Whitney Port’s first time sending her darling line, Whitney Eve, down the actual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week runway, but you wouldn’t have guessed it upon it’s spot on, energetic delivery. The show began with Beyoncé’s “Girls.”
Peplum tops, sequined clad shorts, and textured knits were layered in and out of the collection giving the trend hunters something to thirst for come early fall. The palette was alive with jewel tones and glamorous by way of embellishments – all which Whitney credits to a kaleidoscope she found at her grandmother’s house for inspiration. A duo of dresses got ooohs and ahhhs as they closed what was a very promising first appearance…which also proves it won’t be the last.
P.S. So very excited about two additional items here: styling by Lara Backmender (who was the very, first stylist Q&A on I Heart Heels!) and shoes all by Nine West (killer).
[Photos from Style.com]
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