What Causes Acne And How To Prevent It
Acne is not like other kinds of spots that can be deemed as surface level. Acne is when spots are filled with pus, usually white heads and black heads. It’s most common in growing adults as the hormonal changes take place in the body. However, adults can get acne too, from a poor diet, hygiene routine and maybe even working conditions. Acne can sometimes linger on into the early to mid-twenties, so lots of people of varying ages can suffer from the condition. Acne can also be genetic, something which we will talk about down below. Here are some ways you can prevent acne from affecting your skin.
Acne can be hereditary
If you have family members that had particularly bad acne, this could be a sign for why you have it so bad too. Really bad acne can make your face very painful, hot and it can lead to headaches, feeling dizzy, loss of appetite and others. It’s a good idea to check with your family to see if there is a trend of getting very bad acne, and see what their prescribed treatments were from the doctor. Did any of these work? Speak with your down doctor, let them know about your family history and what was done to help lessen acne.
Acne due to hygiene
Acne is linked to swelling glands which are tasked with cleansing your pores and secreting natural oils. When these get blocked, inflamed and or infected, it can cause acne. Acne is also linked to hygiene or rather lack of, so you should consider what you are doing to trigger your glands to be swollen. It might be that your pores are being filled with dirt, debris and poor quality steam. Working in messy environments like kitchens, oil and gas refineries and manufacturing plants can be a cause.
Change your pillow
Very often, we get spots on our faces because of our pillowcases. If you find that your hair is greasy, your skin is very oily, then consider frequently changing your pillowcase. It could be one a week or once every two weeks. Remember that we sleep for about 6-8 hours a day. That is a lot of time for our faces to be touching one particular surface. In our pillowcases, there are dead skin cells, saliva, oils from our skin and hair, dirt, debris and bacteria from spots, all mixing together. As you can see, it can be a definite cause for acne.
What can you do?
Try to keep your skin as clean as possible. So clean it with shower gels, soaps and cleansers every single day. You should try to clean your face 2-3 times a day. You can also use acne patches which you can place on the acne and the patch will absorb the fluid to keep your skin dry and speed up the healing process. Acne usually takes time to heal, but whatever you do, don’t pop the spots. It can leave lasting damage on your skin.
Acne is caused by a combination of things, namely hormones, hygiene and lifestyle. Stay away from greasy foods, wash your face and hair regularly and be careful about popping them.
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